Chamber Building Industry Alliance
The purpose of adding our builders’ tier to the benefits we offer our Chamber will be to help address a current deficiency in terms of supports in place for our local building industry. Each support will be designed to build resources, connections, advocacy, and value-based opportunities for the industry businesses that become Chamber members in the future.
The Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce will work to empower business owners and leaders in our building industry by creating opportunities for education, leadership, advocacy, and resources that drive the economic success of the industry and our local economy in the process.
Building Industry Tier Benefits
Advisory Committee
The Chamber Building Industry Alliance will be supported by an advisory committee of building industry partners. The committee and alliance will include members to represent all areas of the industry to include; Chamber board members, residential builders, commercial builders, suppliers, trades, finishing, and affiliates as well. The advisory board will help the Chamber steer it's efforts in the best direction for the benefit of our Chamber members in the building industry, provide feedback on our benefits, and assist in guiding projects, events, and planning needs.
Committee Structure:
- Have no more than two members from two specific area of the industry, including Chamber board members
- Include affiliates such as financial, mortgage, and insurance partners for support
- Members will only be committed to 1-2 years in their role (depending on availability)
- Committee will have structure tier of communication and executive support systems. (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer)
Chamber Building Industry Alliance Annual Home Show