Leadership Lake Havasu

Leadership Lake Havasu is a comprehensive leadership development program designed to identify resources and educate individuals to assume leadership roles within our community. Because the quality of a community depends on the capability of its leaders, graduates emerge as potential community leaders and individuals who seek to contribute their particular skills, knowledge and expertise to the betterment of Lake Havasu City.
“The Crown Jewel of the Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce”.
~ Trish Groe, HLD Grad 2003

Leadership history
- The first Leadership Program was held in the early 90’s, but only lasted for a year.
- It was later revitalized and graduated its first class, as we know it today, in the year 2000.
- From 2000 – 2008 Havasu Leadership Development, was a thriving and well-attended class, typically graduating 30 people per year, however, in 2009 the class-size dramatically decreased in attendance due to lack of funding from long-time supporting local businesses who could no longer afford to lose an employee for a full day, and/or pay for the tuition to attend the class.
- In 2012 a team brainstormed and consulted with other Chamber’s of Commerce on how to restructure The Leadership Class to make it more appealing for businesses
- Chamber of Commerce was/is a 501(c)(6) organization which doesn’t allow the sponsorship of an employee to be “charitable giving”
- The team learned that a 501(c)(3) organization does allow for the company sponsoring the employee to classify the tuition as “charitable giving”
- WA-LA a wonderful reason why businesses would want to send their employees to a leadership program and get a tax break for the company.
Leadership Lake Havasu is a comprehensive leadership development program designed to identify resources and educate individuals to assume leadership roles within our community.
Because the quality of a community depends on the capability of its leaders, graduates emerge as potential community leaders and individuals who seek to contribute their particular skills, knowledge and expertise to the betterment of Lake Havasu City.

Participation in the Lake Havasu Chamber Foundation for Education and Leadership Leadership Lake Havasu program is open to persons living in the Lake Havasu area.
Participants will be chosen by the LLH Selection Committee by an application process. The Selection Committee will schedule group and/or private interviews with the applicants. The Committee will be seeking representation from a cross-section of the community. The leaders and potential leaders will be active in professional business, education, the arts, retail, government and community-based organizations and will reflect the diversity of the community.
These programs utilize professionals from the business community during the sessions, as presenters and trainers and they require the full attention of the class in order for the program to be successful. Therefore, applicants must have the full support of the organization or corporation they represent. Attendance at monthly sessions is mandatory and is monitored. Those who fail to attend and miss more than one session may be asked to withdraw, with no refund of tuition.
For further information and schedules, please email leadershiplakehavasu@gmail.com.